Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keeping up with the Jones' (or Nates)

Once there was Nate, and he had all things. What type of lemming rube do you take me for, Nate? What caressed the inner mush of your cerebral carapace into thinking I'd believe your sinisterly sarcastic ruse?

Rewind the mental strings, rewind and reveal, Noah.
I've been perusing random blogs using the "next blog" button at the top of most blogger pages. Click and be swept off, ricocheting like an abused super-ball to a new blog. Press "next blog" again... find breath anew.

Three blogs have piqued my fancy so much as to follow them with fair regularity. The Book Design Review which guides me to strange text based entirely on looks (judged by the cover), Journal of my Life a fresh blogger living in Kuala Lumpur, and tonight's focus: Nate.

Nate is a designer, and the dynamo behind "All Things Nate." My raw rubbings originate from the very basic fact that Nate has nothing to do with ANYTHING at All Things Nate. To me, it seems a disillusioned couturier surfs the internet in the long solitary hours of his evening and plasters anything he fancies onto his broad, ugly ledger.

Here are my totally uninsprired attempts to replicate his sharpness... People want to be mayor of Detroit! It has just become more difficult to get a pet monkey!

Take that, Nate...
Actually, sorry, Nate. I will continue to follow your frantically frequent blog posts and enjoy your random finds. Apologies for targeting you tonight. It was just the paradox of calling your blog All Things Nate and then posting nothing except things you find on the net.
It is truly commendable and contemptable, that type of creative abandon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think that he changed the name of his blog...
noah: 1
nate: 0