Monday, January 19, 2009


Flunkies don't get to take sabbatical. Only career junkies. I recently read that Bush spent 2 years out of the last 8 on vacation. I sincerely hope that President Obama takes an equal amount of vacation time, because I am sure he will be working much harder.

I had a dream last night that I am going to record here for reasons of archive. This blog is a morgue file for my thoughts, and this is just another crinkled page to jam into a box for possible future applications.

I stumbled backwards into a room, bumping into a large billiards table. "Watch it!" a voice scolded me. I turned to apologize. To my surprise, I was standing face to face with an oversized midget who scowled at me as his companion leaned his normal size torso on his undersized arms.

"Sorry," I muttered as I turned to leave. My elbow once again jostled the table.

"I said watch it!" I glanced backwards and noticed a small scorekeeping chalkboard affixed to the side of the table. It read:
1 wall shot = 10 points
2 wall shot = 20 points
Bumping the table = -25 points

and below it was scrawled

Chuck 30
Tyler 45
Noah -100

I protested, "I only bumped the table twice! Why am I at minus 100?"

and they turned to me and said, "We don't like you very much."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hah! oversized midget.