Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where does this lead?

Ok, so the big question is, Does this go anywhere? Will I become some blog-o-bot, churning out useless (yet entertaining) drivel every spare moment - of which there are many in my newly unemployed schedule. Or does this fizzle.

I like that word. Fizzle. A verb and a noun, denoting both a lackluster blowhard and his occasional muse, a passion passionately fleeting. A fugitive epiphany. Maybe I will re-christen this blog "The fizzle."

I just picked up a book from the library called Why You Should Read Kafka Before You Waste Your Life. This was not acquired through some scholarly pursuit of existential allegory, nor a morbid fascination with the futile moribund. No, I was lead to this title by a book design blog.

Which leads me to my non-point. So far, the pretense of the introduction to this book stands as follows: Before wasting time caught up in rigid (and largely false and misleading, according to the author) study of an author (here, Kafka) ... Read them. Read them for yourself before reading about them. Authors of works are not their characters.

So this book has me thinking about critics and artists. Are artist inherently more intelligent than those who break down their works, or just more intuitive? Can the man with decades of studious bent standing behind a university podium possibly deconstruct a labor better than the engineer... Does the artist understand what his/her digits are fabricating, or are they simpletons following flight of fancy.

Which also leads me completely off point to: Who is the toiling pawn perfecting the spell guesser on this computer, and where can I mail a monetary tip to him?

I could tap-a-tap-a on into the blank night... following my own flight of fancy. But I will not. I will retire and hope to discover if this is truly a fizzle.

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