Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Nobody here swears. I do not understand how it is possible to be around so many people performing so many frustrating tasks and never hear an explitive. It took me a while to notice this, but it became shockingly clear after a recent incident.

The soda machine (which I will no longer be using. Instead I will paronise the cafeteria, walking the half mile to brave the possibility of another DJ incident) first lied to me by telling me my selection was available when it was in fact sold out, then stole my money when I inserted more to upgrade my selection to a 20 oz. bottle.

As I was vigorously shaking the machine and peppering it's steel body with rapid kicks, an involuntary string of foul language was pouring from my mouth. When a stranger entered the room behind me, offering a nickel (which was the exact amount I was short. He had obviously decifered that from my filthy rantings), I felt oddly shamed.

Normally, nothing about my display of displeasure would have caused any feelings of remorse or humility. That's when it dawned on me. Nobody here swears. I felt like a pariah, some intellectually inferior slob whose simple-mindedness could only handle difficulties and frustration with savage, red-eyed fury.

Just another thing enforcing the feeling that I don't belong here.


Simply Sarah said...

So that's what dirty words look like in mandarin... or japanese... or cantonese...
anyway, hope things are loosening up at the workplace. seriously think you should consider signing on for at least another six months, purly selfish of course, still in denial that Wisco has kept your heart all these years.
Also, Tag. You're it. I tagged you in a blog... if you're into that sort of thing.

The Crow said...

Crow think there big message someplace.
Crow think human strange.
Human get short changed by machine.
Jump up and down big time.
Crow laugh at this. Then:
Crow squawk in fury when crow stub toe on keyboard.

Crow puzzled at validation word...